Archives for posts with tag: Movies

Came across this on yay!everyday and thought it was worth a post. They’ve got more videos, but this one caught my eye first so here it is.

Watched Objectfied today, a film by the same person who directed Helvetica. I’m just going to post some key phrases I noted down.

form bears no relation to function

“wear-in rather than wear-out

“why does something have to be built to be permanent?”

“remove, remove, remove, bit by bit, anything that is not necessary

“design is about mass consumption”

Obviously there’s loads more choice quotes, but I think the most interesting section to me was the form relating to function part of the film. We used to live in a world where form followed function, but the introduction of the computer chip has completely changed that, we now live in a world where the objects look gives the user no indication of what it does, the example given was Apple’s iPhone.

Anyway, comments and thoughts on this subject would be interesting.